Sunday, November 29, 2009

Law of dimininshing returns

One of the most fundamental laws which has been proven more by experience than by experimental results is what is called the "law of diminishing returns". And this is what the standard definition of the law might look like on the web :

Sometimes referred to as variable factor proportions, law of diminishing returns states that as equal quantities of one variable factor are increased, while other factor inputs remain constant, ceteris paribus, a point is reached beyond which the addition of one more unit of the variable factor will result in a diminishing rate of return and the marginal physical product will fall

It is common knowledge that the second lick of an ice-cream is not as good as the first and the third is not as good as the second(things might not seem to follow the pattern once one comes to the come but that is a different story ).In effect the law states that the more we have of some desirable entity its utility (the satisfaction we draw out of it) diminishes till we reach a point where we regret possessing the stuff in the first place.

Though such stuff might make for interesting reading , a very pertinent issue for such a law is its validity across people and their experiences. For example, have you ever thought if this law would be applicable to your most valued relationship?Your relationship with the person you love the most?Haven't you noticed (if you have bothered enough to notice that is) that after the initial excitement (if you know what i mean :) ) following your wedding and the few mandatory promises of being together till the last breath of life, things begin to appear insipid? The romantic relationship that you once shared with the person you promised you would stand by ,in due course of time, seems to plateau off. The basis of the relationship changes from "love" to "understanding" and then from "understanding" to a mature "compromise". In many cases the basis itself gives way and the relationship falls apart.

People may argue , though, that if the involved parties want to keep things going then the law could actually be kept at bay. But such people while delivering such opinion are carried away more by excitement because they are in love themselves or because they just have to make a point. Despite all the good intentions of people to keep their romantic relationship always full of life, priorities change. At some stage one's career takes over and then they got a family to mail look after. It becomes increasingly difficult to deliver on the promises which you no longer even remember you made.

The best thing to do is to allow things to take their natural course and agree to a compromise rather that regretting the absence of romance and allowing the relationship to fall apart. Compromises are not made by the weak.The weak struggle or fight to destroy themselves. A compromise requires immense mental strength and tenacity.It is always a decision that the wise arrive at when things don't appear all that good.

Hope people are wise enough to compromise. All hail the law !!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Reminded by chance

Isn't it absolutely amazing how we tend to associate particular situation and events in life with a certain song or sometimes odour. And the most amazing thing is that all this is done by the subconscious self. We often ourselves get surprised how an otherwise insipid song can bring cascading back to memory a certain imagery connected with one's past life.
For instance, the other day I was listening to the song "hai junoon" from the movie New York.
I did so after a very long time actually. The very first chord that I heard brought back to memory and made me almost instantly relive the moments prior to my trip to NY (I had gone to NY after watching the movie by the same name). Yes, i did relive all the anxieties and nervous prior to a trip that by far has been the longest and the most eventful in my life. I guess that explains why life can never be truly boring 'coz u never know what you are in for