They doubt sometimes even the most obvious thing. They are not outright pessimist but pessimism is an integral part of their nature. Before taking on any work their thought process undergoes a series of steps. It starts with an evaluation of how they will be perceived by others in case they are not able to complete the task; so much so that their understanding of the task at hand is clouded by this thought.Their outlook is defensive and their mind always seeks an explanation of how to provide an appropriate explanation should someone question them on anything related to the task.Despite their capabilities their efficiency is generally low since they do not have a single point of focus.The weight of negativity on them is overwhelming and victory in minor battles in the course of the task completion gives them a sense of winning a war. They are fickle and appear never really sure.But realizing that a good external perception is priceless they constantly strive to show that they are on top of things. They frequently refuse to take help even when it is easily available lest people may perceive it to be a sign of weakness. Their work is scratchy a lot of the times and at best may receive a 'B'.
The journey is so full of worries that sometimes the joy of reaching the destination is diluted. Minor tasks seem a challenge and these people tend to seek solace in a virtual world where everything seems perfect for them. They may seem drawn from reality not paying attention to the most basic happenings involving them . They always seem to be "holding back" and so much of their energy is just never unleashed. And to make matters worse no one ever knows that they are indeed going through frequent on-off periods . Drawn back can often be the worst state to be in !!